In certain industries it becomes virtually impossible to operate standard certification procedures in relation to the supply of foreign evidence due to the complex supply chain these organisations operate, having many product lines and importing goods from all over the world.
The most common arrangement made is for bulk evidence to be lodged with the issuing body to cover certifications granted over a period, however in exceptional cases a special arrangement may be established when the amount of foreign evidence is so extensive it may not be practical to lodge with the issuing body. This will apply to a very few organisations nationwide and should be discussed with a member of the CG Group before allowing an exporter to use an evidence declaration.
This involves the exporter providing the issuing body with a complete list of all manufacturers along with an ‘Evidence Declaration’. The exporter will be responsible for ensuring the evidence list is kept updated and agree to the issuing body visiting their premises to examine evidence on a regular basis (at least annually) to assess their system for declaring origin.